Sunday, November 22, 2009

Running for body and soul

I always wonder why there are people who love to run. They can just run and run , be it in short distance or in marathon and half marathon. My sister is one of them, and she runs almost every half marathon, marathon ond never fails to go training every weekend. I never think I will be able to be one of them, sacrificing nice weekends sleep for running.

Today I have just completed a 12km run at Kenny Hill (Double Hill). Don't know why it is called Double Hill, but there are not only double hills, there are many hills! I began to understand why they love running. It feels so good after the morning refreshing run, despite tired muscles and hurting ankle.

Running is not competing with others. Running is for ourselves, strengthening the mind, having a direction & go for it. Sometimes we always think that we couldn't pass the hills and the road ahead anymore, the body and feet gave in the way, but the most powerful is actually our mind. If we tell ourselves we can do it, we can. That's what I learnt from today's running. If this can be applied to our daily life, we can be a stronger person.

Hence, run, my friend, run for your body, mind and soul...

And what could be nicer having a nice big breakfast after the run with good buddies.... :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Always there

When the sky turns grey,
The sunshine fades away,
Take my hopes away from my heart,
When I turn around, I realize I still have you by my side,
Standing there and never turns away,
I am grateful, that I found you always there

Alone, and still stand strong

~There are times when troubles come,
Sadness and pain fill the heart,
And yet I never give up,
But face it all with my heart,
Here I am, alone, and still stand strong~

Dedicated to all of my beloved sisters (Mei, Leng, Felicia, Miew), wheverever you are, be strong, have faith.
Even if you are alone, but in the heart you are not alone, we are all around you, always.